Colleen Breen


Colleen's Info

Colleen hails from Chicago, where she has trained, performed, directed, written, produced, and taught for the past 11 years. She has been a member of ensembles at The Second City, I.O. Theater, Annoyance Theater, Comedy Sportz, pH Comedy, Laugh Out Loud Theater, GayCo, Improvised Jane Austen, and The Playground. Her experience includes long and short form improv, musical improv, theatricals, sketch, and full written revues. She is excited to bring her passion of improv to the Bay Area Community.
Colleen is based at:
All Out Comedy Theater
2525 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94612

For more info:

"This class has been a blast! I am so lucky that I can call you my teacher. I've learned so much. I look back at our after class conversations, and still laugh." - A.M

"Great Session. I was apprehensive at first with the mixture of personalities. Thanks for making it a comfortable place. I ended up having a lot of fun. I've enjoyed watching you play for a long time." - S.M.

"During the 8 weeks you kept saying we're exercising these [comedy] muscles. I thought, what are we, working out? :) But you were right, the more we did it, the more I got it. Thanks!" - J.G.

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