
Los Angeles, CA

About Reflektor

Reflektor began performing as part of iO West's New Forms Night in July 2015. After being extended many times and becoming iO West's longest-running New Forms Night team, they were offered a slot to host their own weekly show, Reflektor Presents: New-Fashioned. 

Reflektor performs their own unique form that they began developing as graduating students of the iO West improv program and then have continued to develop and hone ever since under coach Dave Hill (King Ten, Hill/Jones). As any single item will look different in each mirror in a hall of mirrors, Reflektor explores the many facets of their show's overarching theme as it is approached from different angles and points of view.

Reflektor has performed at the 13th Annual Los Angeles Improv Comedy Festival and the women performed at the Funny Women Festival LA as Lady Reflektor.

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Lisa Ferris
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Debbie Fry

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