AIT Players

San Jose, CA, United States

About AIT Players

For festivals, the AIT Players perform their signature narrative-style long form called a “Stool Prov” which can be performed anywhere from 20-45 minutes depending on the needs of the festival.

The performance starts with the team getting a suggestion from the audience – usually a single word with more than one meaning. From there they expand on the suggestion using an opening game similar to what you may find in a Harold. Based on the ideas generated from the opening, the improvisers all create interesting characters and the rest of the piece consists of the players exploring the relationships between all of the characters organically allowing a story to unfold. The AIT Players are careful to focus on the relationships between the characters rather than chasing plot, which allows for fun, unexpected stories to emerge. When it is time to wrap up the piece, the players resolve story arcs and try to find a fun, energetic way to finish the show.

The AIT Players are coached by Jeff Ringgold, owner of American Improv Theatre.

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