YETI: Get to Meaty Scenes Quickly

YETI (Yourself Eyes Tension Information) is a method of entering stage completely blank–no ideas or preconceptions–and learning to trust your instincts and find meaning in every look and move your scene partner makes in order to discover a fascinating scene quickly and naturally. These scenes tend to be easier to play and hilarious even before players begin speaking. If this seems like an unattainable nirvana, this workshop will present a repeatable process and build it one layer at a time. Borrowing ideas from ViewPoints, Meisner technique, The New Movement, and my nearly 15 years of experience, YETI will appeal to beginners and experts who want a more human-centric, theatrical experience on stage. I have run this 90 mins and 3 hours and in between (smaller cap for a smaller workshop). I have run it with advanced students and those with only a few weeks of classes.

Student Cap:

2 hours
16 students
Brian Gray

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