Broncos and Blue Jays

Unless you’re getting married in October, there’s no reason not to submit to one (or both) of the festivals with submissions closing this week. At least one of them is an inexpensive trip for you.

Denver has been working like gangbusters on the west side of the continent to take the great success of last years festival and make it even larger. Denver’s festival has grown leaps and bounds in the last few years because of the great commitment year round to making it a great festival. If you get accepted this year, you’re going to get a good audience, and some swag to go with it too. That’s in addition to just being in Denver. Denver – geographically speaking – isn’t the larges city in the country, but there’s a great deal of great things to visit within walking distance of the festival (and surprisingly good sushi everywhere)

And while you’re at it. Toronto’s Big City Improv Festival is closing submissions this week. Toronto has gone under some serious renovations in the last couple of years. I got to speak to the organizers while visiting Detroit and they’re aware of some of the burned bridges that festival has made in the past and I am really excited to see what they build from the ground up in the years to come. They definitely are on the right path to building something great.

Get your troupe profile spiffied up. If you haven’t been to a festival before, make one of these a goal to visit. They’ll show you a great time.

Currently Bill is an instructor at The Torch Theatre and producer for the Phoenix Improv Festival. He tours teaching and performing across North America.

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