Chuck's Info

I've been performing, directing, coaching and teaching improv for over twenty years, working with teams ranging in size from one to twenty five, and ages five and up. I've been running workshops for Michigan Tech's "The Troupe" since 1995, started Oakland University's first improv ensemble "The Set", was director of education for Detroit's Planet Improv, and count my time coaching at the The Brave New Workshop's "Six Ring Circus" as some of the best I've had with improv while not on stage.

I was a student of IO Chicago from 1999-2001 and while I didn't have the opportunity to work directly with Del, I did have the opportunity to learn from his passion, passed on through his business partners and most trusted of assistants.

I'm a strong believer in the power of improvisational creation, and work with ensembles to establish clear goals, explore our strengths and weaknesses, and take the performers down the path to finding the improvisational forms that are truest to the ensemble.

Even though my education is strongly based in longform methodologies, my roots are square in the soil of shortform and while they are different in presentation, they are, in my mind, just different paths up the same mountain when it comes to scenic development and goals.

For more info:

Chuck's Workshops

The Power of You and I
The Role of the Back Line
Improv 101
Ensemble Tune Up
Custom Just for You

"His slow burn is among the slowest" - Bob Fisher

"Chuck is one of many instructors with great ideas to share, but also one of the very few who can do so effectively understand his students and help them individually understand how to incorporate those ideas into their own work. That makes him one of the most effective teachers out there." - Bill Binder

"Chuck can very quickly see the dynamics of your group and provide the training and guidance, so that you fix your problems without knowing that you had them or what they were. You only know that you're all suddenly better. Rather than harp on you, or describe how you're wrong, Chuck will have you try things that challenge you to grow in a way you hadn't expected." - James Warsinske, Director - Coulee Region Unscripted

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