Glennis LaRoe


Glennis's Info

Glennis is a New York City based comedian, improviser, actress, writer, and comedy show producer/host. Glennis caught the performing bug at the age of 8 when she was cast as Nellie Oleson in a BBC Radio 4 adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s ‘On The Banks of Plum Creek’, and hasn’t looked back since. Her entirely self-produced and self-performed character portrait and video project, Everyday People can be found on her Instagram account (@glennis.the.menace). She has a distinctive scar on the right eyebrow that looks like she shaved a chunk out of it. No. Glennis was jumping on a bed as a 3 year old and smashed her face on the headboard. Et voilà: facial stitches and no regrets.

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