Bird City Improv

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

About Our Training Program

All artists need to do two things: analyze and improvise. Unfortunately, most artist training focuses squarely on the former, proselytizing the conceptual at the expense of the intuitive. Great improvisers strike the balance between impulse and cognition, merging their acquired talent with their authentic selves. Bird City Improv offers nine classes to introduce, develop and refine artists' improv skills. You don't need any prior experience as a performer and you don't need to be a funny person. You just need to be brave, honest and curious. To bring a class to your ensemble, school, or collective please visit our website.

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Our Instructors

Course Catalogue

Narrative Improv
Pattern Play
Honesty & Mischief
The Harold
Improv & Mockery
Group Mind

Bird City Improv is a company that teaches artists how to listen, adapt, and respond, cultivating awareness and connectivity. Bird City has wings - We are happy to travel.

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