Houston, TX

About BLOB

BLOB is a crazypants rollercoaster ride through the unfiltered id of a madman. It has been described as "a fever dream," "the horrifyingly beautiful lustchild of improv and standup," "an utter mockery of the craft [ed.: the art of improv, not the movie about witches in high school... although maybe that'll come up in a show at some point]," and "exactly what you'd expect, if you had any idea what to expect." Having spent roughly three decades being largely misunderstood by most human beings, improviser Brian Jones uses BLOB to somehow project his inner reality to the outside world. In other words, he uses this completely formless attempt at the purest form of improvisation as a way of exposing himself to the general public. But, uh, not in a way that would get him arrested. The point isn't to make you uncomfortable! The point is to make himself uncomfortable! Won't you join him on this journey of personal growth and enlightenment? Maybe you'll get it. Maybe you won't. Most likely you'll laugh. People usually do!
BLOB has performed several times at its (his?) home base of Station Theater in Houston, TX, where it is one of the few acts to ever receive a standing ovation in its debut performance (not because it's a tough crowd or the other acts are bad... improv comedy just doesn't usually work that way). BLOB has also competed in Station Theater's Cagematch improv tournament.

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Brian Jones

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