TIMELESS Presents: The Double Nickel Nightclub & Rooftop Lounge

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About TIMELESS Presents: The Double Nickel Nightclub & Rooftop Lounge

The Double Nickel Virtual Nightclub & Rooftop is a Devised World Format creation of TIMELESS Improv with co-creator and coach, Diana Brown of Leela Improv Company, San Francisco. Each episode builds on what's previously been revealed about the characters, their backstories and the Double Nickel Nightclub and Rooftop Lounge as it explores the character traits and wants of club owner Frank Connor, entertainment booker Running Zucc (R Zucc), turntable master MC/DJ slash, restaurant manager Frieda Conchita, and bartender (and everybody's sweetheart) Patty Lowery, Genevieve Jones (digital editor of the independent weekly Davenport Sofa), Jimmy D (the club's new security honcho, fresh out of the slammer) and Howie Doin (a research professor in his home country, now the Double Nickel's maintenance manager).

TIMELESS Improv grew out of a commitment on the part of the Vintage Improv Festival to lead the way in innovation in the art of improv in its exploration of online presentations. Vintage Improv Festival began offering classes online in May, 2020, providing opportunities for their over-55 constituency to study improv with coaches from distinguished US and European companies and theaters. TIMELESS Improv was among the earliest teams formed from these classes and went on to win the Innovation Award at Vintage Improv's festival in September, 2020. The festival is believed to have been among the first events to translate its entire, real-life festival program in a virtual format.

TIMELESS Presents: The Double Nickel Nightclub & Rooftop Lounge is currently being coached by Diana Brown.

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Robby Foss
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Rick Horner

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