From Justin to Kelly

New York, NY, United States

About From Justin to Kelly

Kelly Buttermore and Justin Peters are two of America’s top independent improvisers. As the duo From Justin to Kelly, they spend most of their time on tour, performing and teaching at theaters and festivals around the country; since 2014, they have performed and taught over 300 shows and workshops in 28 different states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and international waters. Official selections of over 30 different improv festivals around the world, they have been master teachers at Camp Improv Utopia and discussion facilitators at various improv summits around the United States. Off stage, they promote a DIY ethos that encourages improvisers to find their own voices and own their own work.

They are based in New York City, where they spent many years performing on house teams at the Magnet Theater before leaving to do their own thing. They are the founders of Countdown Theater, a roaming pop-up comedy theater. They are also the producers of the Tampa, Florida-based Countdown Improv Festival, the world's only improv festival dedicated exclusively to trio, duo and solo improv. They spend a lot of time in the car, talking about the radio. For a complete list of upcoming performances, press materials, and booking information, please visit, or email them at

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