Aden Nepom


Aden's Info

With more than thirty years of experience on stage, Aden has been winning awards and recognition for her abilities since she was six years old. Once called “The funniest person in Austin,” by former Second City L.A. Director Tom Booker, she is an alum of B. Iden Payne Award winners, Girls Girls Girls Improvised Musical Comedy, alum of world famous vaudeville revue: Esther’s Follies (where she wore huge wigs, sang big songs and got massive laughs), and the former head of the musical improv training program at Merlin Works Institute for improvisation. If you want to catch her on stage these days, look for her as half of Manacle: Improvised Love Stories, one fourth of BABE Presents I Love Musicals, or as a nerd favorite in: USS Improvise - The Next Generation, The Musical!

For more info:

Aden's Workshops

Connecting In The Dark - Building Audience Relationship
Improv Song Making - The Basics
Advanced Improv Song Making - Lyrics that Matter
Pretend You're in a Musical
Up Close and Personal: improvising and intimacy
Acting v. Performing
Saying NO - for the Greater Good of the Moment

"Aden is one of those people who you meet once and you’ll always remember. Her energy and wit hit you like a bolt of lightning. I had Aden as an improv teacher for improvised singing. I have also seen her perform over a dozen times. She brings both immense patience and active listening to both her students and the people she performs with. It is such a treat to have her as a teacher after seeing her in Girls, Girls, Girls, an improvised rock opera, and other shows around town. She was born for the stage and the classroom." - Sam Schack - Austin, TX

"I’ve taken Aden’s Improv Singing workshops twice before, and have loved every second of both! Obviously, as I signed up for [a recent] round as well. Actually, I will attend any workshop of hers that I am able! (yeah… I’m an Aden Fan!!) Aden is amazingly skilled at helping people be comfortable singing no matter their singing ability. She explains & teaches how to craft an improvised song in such a manner that makes it very easy for anyone to follow, learn & SING! Her teaching style is whole-heartedly supportive and encouraging. If you’ve ever wanted to do improvised singing, but have been afraid to … fear no more! Aden’s class will show you that you CAN do it!! Oh … and its HELLA FUN!!" - Julie Harrison - Salem, OR

"Think of all the special magical moments in your life. Those moments where you smile so uncontrollably hard that your face was sore for 2 days! Well, if you take a singing improv class with Aden Kirschner then you’re going to need ice packs for your FACE! Because you will not be able to stop smiling! I took 16 weeks of singing improv with Aden! Every week i couldn't wait to come to class. I am not a good singer but I love singing and Aden made me feel like a rock star. She is addicted to the magic that happens when she puts a bunch of strangers together and gets them singing their hearts out in no time flat!" - Doug Pendergras Jr. - Austin, TX

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